ICA is closed from the 30 May – 3 June inclusive.

In their articulations of ritual, 20th century anthropologists identified a ‘threshold’ zone, a disorienting liminal stage where order dissolved and participants existed in a time between their past self and the self yet to be produced by the ritual. This liminal stage was a place of possibility exactly because of the experience of not-knowing.
Convened by Joseph Morgan Schofield, and featuring the contributions by Charlie Ashwell, Daniella Valz Gen, Es Morgan, Soojin Chang, Rubiane Maia and Teo Ala-Ruona, Divinatory Strategies is an invitation to enter into this place of not-knowing.
Drawn from a series of free-flowing conversations, and loosely-grouped around notions of grief, transformation and hope, the essay speaks to the multiplicity of future ritual practices.
Divinatory Strategies is currently offline and will be available again shortly. Check back on this page.
no. 236848.