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Choreographic Devices 2022
Institute of Contemporary Arts
Image courtesy of Edgar Schmitz

Choreography is no longer simply the art of making dances: complex models of the choreographic are increasingly tasked to investigate and animate the intersecting spatial, corporeal, affective and informational dimensions of being entangled with the world. 

What kind of choreographic arrangements can we compose to put diverse thinkers and practitioners in relation to one another? What kinds of time spaces can be plotted, imagined and enacted, when the symposium itself is choreographed and takes shape as a sequence of sessions, each brought to life by different hosts? Through contributions and interventions by over 30 international protagonists from across an expanded ecology of practices, this multi-format symposium speculates on the affordances of choreographic (re-)arrangements and their complex forms of co-production, and tests how organisational formats, material assemblages, and modes of being alongside each other, might be choreographed otherwise.

Choreographic Devices assembles contributors operating across multiple disciplinary boundaries, including Murat Adash (artist), Edwina Ashton (artist), D. Graham Burnett (teacher, writer, interdisciplinary maker), Ofri Cnaani (artist), Augusto Corrieri (artist), Critical Interruptions (Diana Damian Martin + Bojana Janković) (artists), Lou Forster (art historian, curator), keyon gaskin (artist), Martin Hargreaves (dramaturg, writer, performer), Vlatka Horvat (artist), Lenio Kaklea (choreographer, dancer, writer), Sarah Keenan (writer, theorist), André Lepecki (performance studies theorist, curator), Jason Edward Lewis (digital media theorist, poet, software designer), Raimundas Malasauskas (silk painter), Tavi Meraud (artist), Samaneh Moafi (architect, investigator), Rebecca Moss (artist), Harun Morrison (artist, writer), Sandra Noeth (body theorist, curator), Lara Pawson (writer), Daniela Perazzo (dance and performance theorist), Stamatia Portanova (theorist), Filipa Ramos (writer, curator), Irit Rogoff (educator, theorist), Florian Roithmayr (artist), Georgia Sagri (artist), Edgar Schmitz (artist), SERAFINE1369 (artist), Noémie Solomon (theorist, curator), Matthias Sperling (artist, choreographer, performer), Starhawk (author, permaculture designer, teacher, activist), Soap Bubble (complex mathematical problem), and Arkadi Zaides (choreographer).

Watch full talks from the 2022 edition of Choreographic Devices on YouTube

Choreographic Devices was developed by Murat Adash, Ofri Cnaani, and Edgar Schmitz, in close dialogue with the ICA, London. It is generously supported by the Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE).

Choreographic Devices was made possible with additional support from the Art Department, Goldsmiths, University of London. The symposium is a new iteration of an event under the same title originally scheduled for March 2020.

Programme Friday 10 June

6 – 7:30pm  Around Apart Under Behind Through Ahead: A Partial Lexicon of Spatial Dysfunction by Vlatka Horvat and invited guests Edwina Ashton, Augusto Corrieri, Critical Interruptions, Harun Morrison, Rebecca Moss, Lara Pawson, and Florian Roithmayr

7:30 – 7:45pm  Break

7:45 – 8pm  Welcoming Remarks by Murat Adash, Ofri Cnaani and Edgar Schmitz

8 – 9:30pm  André Lepecki and Irit Rogoff in conversation

Programme Saturday 11 June

12 – 1pm  Corpo/Realities I: Towards Documentary Choreography, Ofri Cnaani in conversation with Samaneh Moafi and Arkadi Zaides

1 – 1:30pm  Break

1:30 – 2:30pm  Corpo/Realities II: The Right to Bodily Integrity, Ofri Cnaani in conversation with Sandra Noeth and Sarah Keenan

2:30 – 3pm  Break

3 – 6pm  Reversible Figures by Murat Adash and Tavi Meraud with Georgia Sagri, Matthias Sperling, Starhawk and Soap Bubble

6 – 7pm  Break

7 – 10pm  Practical Encyclopaedia by Lenio Kaklea with Lou Forster, Filipa Ramos and Daniela Perazzo

Programme Sunday 12 June

12 – 12:45pm  How Does Smoke Find its Destination? by Raimundas Malašauskas

12:45 – 1:30pm  This is an artwork / you are a community / this is for you / you are my material / this is a prison / leave when you want. A performance of keyon gaskin

1:30 – 2pm  Break

2 – 4:30pm  First Set of Entries toward a Glossary of Choreographic Materialities by D. Graham Burnett, Martin Hargreaves, Edgar Schmitz and Noemie Solomon

4:30 – 5pm  Break

5 – 6pm  Corpo/Realities III: AI temporalities and Indigenous AI, Ofri Cnaani in conversation with Stamatia Portanova and Jason Edward Lewis

6 – 6:30pm  Break

6:30 – 8pm  Episode 2 by SERAFINE1369
Tickets available on the door.

£15, £7.50 Concessions & Green/Blue Members

Choreographic Devices is a three-day symposium with multiple sessions. 

One ticket grants access to all three days and all sessions. 


Fri, 10 June, 6 – 9:30pm
Sat, 11 June, 12 – 10pm
Sun, 12 June, 12 – 8pm

Some sessions will encourage a level of participation, but it is not mandatory. 

There will be fluctuations in sound, lighting levels and rearrangements of the seating space throughout the different sessions of the symposium. 

Members+ and all Patrons gain free entry to all cinema screenings, exhibitions, talks, and more.
Join today as a Member+ for £25/month.

Lenio Kaklea. Photo: Gianluca Di Ioia
‘No-How-Generator’, Mathias Sperling
SERAFINE1369. Photo: Katarzyna Perlak
Arkadi Zeides
keyon gaskin. Photo: Maurizio Martorana