ICA is closed from the 30 May – 3 June inclusive.
Thursday 18 & Friday 19 August 2022
Thursday 25 & Friday 26 August 2022

A series of reading groups for young people aged 16 – 25 who are interested in connecting with the queer writing, politics, and people of the past. What was queer life like before the internet? What did solidarity look like in mid-20th century queer movements? Who do we consider our queer elders and why? And what can we learn by looking back at the people and movements who came before us?
Thursday 25 & Friday 26 August 2022

In the mornings we'll discuss a set of readings, films, photobooks, and zines that teach us something about the queer past and our relationship to it (facilitated by the ICA learning team as well as external curators).
The afternoon sessions
will be led by Charlotte Flint who will walk us through the process of
making a photobook, inspired by her research into the 20th-century
lesbian photographer Tee Corinne. Since photo books were crucial to how
many queer artists and activists had built community before the
internet, we’ll use this series as a chance to connect with others
through the process of photobook-making.
The Young ICA Network invites young people to a series of readings, discussions, activities, and DIY workshops that explore these ideas, held over four days:
● Thursday 18 & Friday 19 August
● Thursday 25 & Friday 26 August
● Thursday 25 & Friday 26 August
What we will discuss:
In the mornings we'll discuss a set of readings, films, photobooks, and zines that teach us something about the queer past and our relationship to it (facilitated by the ICA learning team as well as external curators).
Thursday 18 August
Morning, 11am – 1pm Getting to know each other, group discussion of introductory readings.
1 – 2pm Lunch break
Afternoon, 2 – 4pm Understanding the medium of photobooks with Charlotte Flint
Friday 19 August
Morning, 11am – 1pm Saskia Papadakis and Naoise Murphy from Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants facilitate a discussion on the history of solidarity and anti-imperialism
1 – 2pm Lunch break
Afternoon, 2 – 4pm Photobook-making scavenger hunt
Thursday 25 August
Morning, 11am – 1pm Nazmia Jamal facilitates a discussion on sexual politics, the sex wars, BDSM, and race
Afternoon, 2 – 4pm Photobook-making with Charlotte Flint
Morning, 11am – 1pm Writing workshop and time for reflection, with prompts from writers
Friday 26 August
1 – 2pm Lunch break
Afternoon, 2 – 4pm Concluding our photobooks with final words, photographs, and artistic touches
Charlotte Flint is a London-based curator and researcher with an interest in socially and politically engaged artistic practice, photography and the representation of women and the LGBTQ+ community. She is currently writing a book about the photographer and lesbian activist Tee A. Corinne, and has collaborated with the Feminist Library on a display on their archival posters, titled: Beneath Every Woman's Curve Lies a Muscle. Charlotte currently works as an Assistant Curator at Hayward Gallery Touring, and was previously an Assistant Curator at the Barbican.
Saskia Papadakis has been an organiser with LGSMigrants since 2018, and particularly enjoys helping to run political education events for LGSM Learns. She is currently working as a researcher at the University of Manchester, where she is looking at histories of the British Black Power movement in Leicester.
Naoise Murphy is a researcher, writer and activist based in London and Cambridge. They are a PhD candidate in Gender Studies and an organiser with LGSMigrants.
Nazmia Jamal lives in Cardiff with her cat. Her research focuses on the development of queer lesbian feminisms in Britain, specifically through the Lesbians Talk Issues pamphlet series which she hopes to republish and revive. Twitter @houseoflabrys IG @lesbians_talk_issues
Charlotte Flint is a London-based curator and researcher with an interest in socially and politically engaged artistic practice, photography and the representation of women and the LGBTQ+ community. She is currently writing a book about the photographer and lesbian activist Tee A. Corinne, and has collaborated with the Feminist Library on a display on their archival posters, titled: Beneath Every Woman's Curve Lies a Muscle. Charlotte currently works as an Assistant Curator at Hayward Gallery Touring, and was previously an Assistant Curator at the Barbican.
Saskia Papadakis has been an organiser with LGSMigrants since 2018, and particularly enjoys helping to run political education events for LGSM Learns. She is currently working as a researcher at the University of Manchester, where she is looking at histories of the British Black Power movement in Leicester.
Naoise Murphy is a researcher, writer and activist based in London and Cambridge. They are a PhD candidate in Gender Studies and an organiser with LGSMigrants.
Nazmia Jamal lives in Cardiff with her cat. Her research focuses on the development of queer lesbian feminisms in Britain, specifically through the Lesbians Talk Issues pamphlet series which she hopes to republish and revive. Twitter @houseoflabrys IG @lesbians_talk_issues
How to Join
To register, please send 100 words describing yourself and why you’d like to attend to youth@ica.art
Please include your name, age, and the borough you live in. We also welcome any easier format you wish to submit your answer (for example, a voice recording).
Please note, we ask participants to attend most or all four sessions. If you’d like to register but think this might not be possible for you, please feel free to get in touch. We encourage Westminster residents to apply, but also welcome non-Westminster based residents.
no. 236848.