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ICA is closed from the 30 May – 3 June inclusive.
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Screening of Frontiers of Silence + Conversation with M. NourbeSe Philip
Institute of Contemporary Arts
Image courtesy of Shenece Oretha

The convening Strange Echoes opens with a screening of Frontiers of Silence, a series of three short new films commissioned by Olivia Douglass featuring spoken word by poets Ebun Sodipo, Courtney Conrad and Esther Heller.

This screening is followed by a conversation between exhibiting artist Shenece Oretha, poet Victoria Adukwei Bulley and M. NourbeSe Philip (who joins via Zoom). These artists discuss how Philip’s text Zong! can be understood as a site of commune, the practice and importance of collective reading, and the relevance of the act of listening in Black life. 

Ticket information
  • All tickets that do not require ID (full price, disabled, income support) can be printed at home or stored in email
  • For aged-based concession tickets (under 25, student) please bring relevant ID to collect at the front desk before the event.

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